Why is getting rid of high creatinine important?

 Everyone has a certain amount of creatinine in their bloodstream. It is a natural byproduct of muscle contraction produced by the breakdown of a chemical called creatinine. Creatinine itself does not have any specific function, since it is the leftover of the muscle’s energy, but it is a fair indicator of how the kidneys are functioning. High creatinine level in your blood means your kidney’s filters are damaged and not working well. Once it gets high, it means you need medicine for high creatinine to restore kidney function. 

How does your body generate creatinine?

The creatinine production starts with creatine, which is synthesized in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and then transported through blood flow and stored in the skeletal muscles. During excretion, the muscles convert creatinine into energy. This energy helps the muscles in the contraction process. The unused portion of this energy re-enters the bloodstream from where it gets back to the kidneys for the filtration process. It is a waste product that ought to be eliminated from the blood by the kidneys. For this reason, physicians use a creatinine test along with blood urea nitrogen to monitor kidney function.  

What is a good creatinine level?

In most cases, the serum creatinine level for someone with healthy kidneys is 0.6 to 1.2 in males and 0.5 to 1.1 in females. There are a lot of variables considered when it comes to creatinine measurement. Normal levels may change based on certain conditions. 

First thing first, muscle breakdown creates creatinine, so your muscle mass and activity can influence the blood's creatinine level. 

Creatinine is also dependent on the age, race, gender, and body size. If these values get changed, there are fair chances of abnormality in the kidney function. 

Healthcare providers like to keep an eye on creatinine measurement for various reasons; to know if you have diabetes, jot down the progression of kidney disease, and see the effect of certain medical conditions. 

Creatinine is measured with the help of blood and urine tests only. Medicines for high creatinine are prescribed to the patients whose urine and blood test reports are not normal.

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Blood test

Creatinine that is present in your blood is called serum creatinine. In the event of impaired kidney function, less creatinine is cleared, so more remains within the bloodstream. A creatinine blood test is further used to calculate the glomerular filtration rate. 

Urine test

One of the easiest ways to test creatinine is through a 24-hour urine collection. Workout, diet, dehydration, etc. can affect creatinine, so the levels may wave throughout the day. Therefore, your healthcare may need to undergo multiple urine tests to measure creatinine clearance. Based on the results, the doctor determines how your kidneys are functioning. 

Both tests help get a comprehensive look at the kidney function by comparing the glomerular filtration rate with creatinine. If your doctor suspects kidney disease, BUN may help diagnose the problem. BUN measures blood urea nitrogen, which is another waste in the blood. 

Based on how the kidneys are working, you may be given medicine for high creatinine. 

For more information, you can also consult us at Karma Ayurveda.


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