Your journey to survive kidney disease is always inspirational for others

 I am Iminathi 45-years old and a mother of two. I have had nephrotic syndrome in the past, and my journey began a year ago. I was 44 years old at that time. I noticed my ankles and abdomen were swollen, and so I was taken to the hospital. 

karma ayurveda fake

The Doctor ran a few of the tests, and the result showed that I was expelling protein in my urine. My kidney function was not proper, my cholesterol level was high, and I also had high blood pressure. The Doctor referred me to a nephrologist in my hometown. The standard statement was steroids, along with cholesterol medications and ACE inhibitors. 

After a span of six months, I went on a vacation because I was better at that time. I noticed I was rapidly gaining weight and got sick in the middle of beach vacations. I had to postpone the entire trip and came back. After the diagnostic test, a biopsy, it came to me as a minimal change disease with nephrotic syndrome. This time steroids did not work, and I went onto immunosuppressants. But I endure so many side effects later on, such as hair loss, headache, weight gain, vomiting, and whatnot. Then my husband started looking for herbal approaches in India. We are from South Africa originally, so traveling way back to India for treatment was like leaving everything on destiny. 

After a lot of research, I got to know about Karma Ayurveda over YouTube. The videos were quite impressive, so we dialed up one of the numbers flashed on the screen. Everything we inquired was given a satisfactory response. But still coming to India just to get the treatment, we had to think. Yet another 15 days passed, but by that time, I became sure of this hospital. It was just a connection, rather I would say. 

My husband booked two flight tickets to Delhi, and we landed at IGI, Delhi. We met Doctor Puneet Dhawan and showed him my reports. He assured a healthy recovery without even steroids and immunosuppressants. The medications he gave were purely authentic and made from the herbal formulations, he said. The treatment also had suggested a little modification in my diet. I followed everything diligently after returning to South Africa. I took medication along with me, but I did not mind coming back to him for what he has given me, a new healthy life. 

I am so surprised by the results and the Doctor’s approach. Thank you, Sir, and I will try to do my best for other people suffering from kidney disease. You should be given an applaud. 


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